Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater
Sick and Tired of a Smelly, Smoky House or Wasting Money on Air Purifiers that Just Don't Work?

Introducing the Smoke Stomper. An air cleaner designed from the ground up specifically for tobacco smoke.
After 15 years solving smoke problems for homes and businesses, I simply couldn't find a great solution for removing tobacco smoke from homes. So, I partnered with my commercial smoke eater manufacturing team and we built one.
The Smoke Stomper is built in America with the same commercial grade filtering technology we have used for decades in bars, clubs, cigar shops, lounges, offices, casinos, and more. Only this time, it is quiet enough and also portable for home use.
Our commercial smoke eaters have been featured on SpikeTV's Bar Rescue (not once, but twice). Our technology has been proven time and time again to solve complicated smoke problems no matter the type or volume of smoke. From the corner bar to a massive cigar lounge in New York City, our technology performs.
Now, you can get the same great commercial grade technology and performance... designed specifically for your own home.
The Smoke Stomper is backed by a 5 Year Warranty, otherwise unheard of in this industry.
Every machine includes FREE ground shipping within the Continental U.S
Watch this video to hear what Jordan thinks of his new Smoke Stomper!
Jordan Silverberg - Toronto, Canada
Why should you consider our Smoke Stomper Premium Home Smoke Eater?
- It dramatically reduces smoke and odors
- Easy to maintain with filter changes every other month
- Proudly made in America.
- Commercial grade filtration
- Quiet and stylish enough for your home
- Looks great in your home
- Portable - on wheels for easy movement from room to room
- Four stylish colors to match any decor
Four Different Colors to Match Any Decor!

Free Shipping in Continental USA!
Finally, Smokers Have a Clear Choice!!
Option 1: You can either keep paying for cheaply made air purifiers that never had a chance to eliminate your smoke because they were never designed for challenging cigar and cigarette smoke problems in the first place.
Option 2: You can protect your pocketbook by selecting the Smoke Stomper; a machine that was specifically designed for smoke and is guaranteed to get the job done.
The Smoke Stomper Looks Great in Your Home!
(Other machines look like metal garbage cans or plastic towers. Not us!)

Here's what another customer had to say:
"I have been smoking in my own “Man Cave” since 1999 and have experimented with various little machines to remove smoke which had varying degrees of success (mostly disappointing)... I was on the Rocky Patel Cigar Cruise last month with 80 cigar smokers, Rocky and Co, and various cigar makers, and inquired from them about smoke removal.
Kendall Culbertson of Outlaw Cigars advised me to get a much bigger HEPA-type unit. After a little internet prowling, I came upon your Smoke Stomper on Youtube. Just received it yesterday, put the wheels on, plugged it in, and MAGIC!!! A totally different experience smoking a cigar. My room had clean air throughout my smoke.
Here’s proof positive: My wife came down into the room to check out the unit and stayed and had an entire conversation with me!! Never done before... If it can pass the JaniceTest, it must be good!! And it looks great, too. Thanks again for all your help."
- Steve Ulrich, New Jersey
The Smoke Stomper - 3 Stage Filtration Difference
Our three filter system is not only super easy to maintain, but also provides three capable levels of protection for you, your family, your pets, your health and your home.
A Full Year of Filters are Included:
- (6) Carbon Pre-Filters catch the heaviest smoke particles. Changed every two months, one is pre-installed.
- (1) Granulated Carbon Panel for odors. Changed yearly and comes pre-installed.
- (1) HEPA Filter to capture the microscopic smoke particles. Also changed yearly and pre-installed.
Annual Cost of Replacement Filters: Just $320 delivered (Free Shipping on Filters Too!)
After the first year, that's just $26 a month or less than 87 cents a day to keep the air in your home free of smoke, protect your health, your family, your pets and your home.
This is the same commercial grade filtration we use in our customers bars, cigar shops, VFW halls and American Legion halls. But don't let the "commercial grade" scare you. The Smoke Stomper was designed from the ground up specifically for home use with furniture grade materials and most importantly, is quiet enough for a home.
How Easy is it to Maintain?
Just open the front grill by removing the four simple pins, take out the filter, put a new one in and put the grill back on. Done. Seriously, it's that easy. Just watch...
The Smoke Stomper Is Proudly Made In The USA!
Local craftsmen working in our production facility in Newport, New Hampshire have been solving the worlds worst commercial smoke problems for Bars, Restaurants, VFW Halls, Moose Lodges, American Legions, Rod and Gun Clubs, Golf Clubs, Cigar Shops, Hookah Lounges, Bowling Alleys, Casinos, Cruise Ships, and more for the past 30 years.
Our equipment has even been featured on Spike TV's hit show, Bar Rescue. We've helped clean up the air in two separate bars across two episodes on the show. Check out a few clips…

Free Shipping in Continental USA!

"I'm very satisfied with my purchase thus far! Like the quietness of it and the simplicity of the maintenance of it! It's nice looking and doesn't take up a lot of room! We use it as an end table by our couch and couldn't be happier! Thank you!"
- Sharon C. from Ohio
Here's Our No Hassle, No Stress Customer Protection!
We proudly protect your investment, your health, your home, and your happiness when you order a Smoke Stomper.
Protection Promise #1:
90 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don't love the result of the Smoke Stomper Premium Home Smoke Eater, you don't have to pay for it. You've got 90 days to test it out before deciding if it's for you. If you don't love it, send it back for a full refund.
How we quickly make things right: If there's a problem, call us at 1-888-472-8736 and tell us what's going on. Sometimes a couple minor tweaks where the Smoke Stomper is placed, or managing airflow in and out of the smoking room can make a huge difference. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, we'll authorize the return. Upon receipt - we'll issue a full refund. No hassle and no restocking fees.
Unheard of 5 Year Warranty
5 Years of Performance - Guaranteed. Our competitors would never dare to back their products this long. Simply change filters on schedule as recommended and if the Smoke Stomper stops working in the first 5 Years, we'll fix it for free.
How we quickly make things right: If you are having trouble with your Smoke Stomper, just call us at 1-888-472-8736 and one of our customer support representatives will help you get your Smoke Stomper back up and working

Check Out The Smoke Stomper In Action
We filled our garage with smoke and let the Smoke Stomper clean it up in this very non-scientific test.
Read what more customers are saying:

- Richard H. from Michigan
Who Is This For?
This Smoke Stomper home smoke eater is for both of you.
The way I see it, there are a few main reasons to consider investing your hard earned money in a home smoke eater.

1. Dramatically Reduce the Smoke and Odors.
Obviously you want to eliminate the actual smoke. You're worried about the health effects to you and your family. Plus, the odors are annoying and embarrassing to say the least. It's time to fix it.
2. Stop Family Arguments.

The tension in some smoking homes is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Wouldn't it be great to stop the yelling and fighting? It's no fun for either of you.
Truth is, there's not much worse than the fighting between a smoker and a non-smoker to ruin your fun and maybe even wreck your marriage.
I've had dozens of people call me saying they need to solve the smoke problem or their marriage may end.
It happens more than you realize. You are not alone.
3. Protect Your Home!

4. Protect Your Pets!

Your pets are part of the family and are definitely affected too.
Unfortunately they spend virtually all their time in the home breathing second hand smoke every minute of the day.
Time to Solve this Problem.
The Smoke Stomper is the Clear Choice!
Is it Perfect?:
Who’s my ideal client?

So, Why is Smoke so Bad?
- Smoke is comprised of way more than you can see.
Smoking throws millions of smoke particles into the air which you and your family continue to breathe over and over until your lungs actually capture the particles like a filter should.
Smoking releases thousands of toxic gases and fumes into the air.
Smoke clogs your lungs and robs you of your health
Asthma, allergies and heart disease are all made worse by the smoke infecting your home.
The smoke particles, tar and nicotine stick to the walls, furnishings and turn everything yellow and brown.
Smoke gets into fabrics, clothing, furniture, carpets and even the padding.
You Can DRASTICALLY Minimize These Harmful Affects!
But, you REALLY need something capable that can handle the particles, gases, fumes and odors. If the machine you buy can't handle it ALL, you really aren't solving the entire problem.
That's why our Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater has been Designed specifically for the challenges of Smoke Removal. With over 30 years solving tobacco smoke problems, we know what it takes.

Here's The Bottom Line...

This is why the Smoke Stomper is the Clear Choice for your Home
- It works. Plain and simple.
- Dramatically reduces both clouds of smoke and odors
- It's easy to maintain with 5-minute monthly filter swaps
- Great looks with four great colors to match any decor
- Commercial grade 3-stage filtration system designed specifically for smoke
- Quiet enough for any room in your home at 63 db
- Unconditional 90 day money back guarantee!
- Unheard of 5 year warranty
- Made in the USA with furniture grade craftsmanship and materials
- Super responsive customer support - for questions or concerns call us at 1-888-472-8736
These machines are hand made one at a time by a small team. Get your order in now to get your Smoke Stomper as soon as possible!